Features Week June Day 3: The Unapologetic Artist

Not only is Emily an amazing person, but she’s one of the most talented artist I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with. She made my logo and will soon have another design available in my merch shop! She’s so talented she even got a full ride scholarship to college! Yeah, impressive much. How long haveContinueContinue reading “Features Week June Day 3: The Unapologetic Artist”

Features Week Day 5: Zee Zelinski

Zee and I know each other through a facebook group full of supportive people. She’s extremely talented and the world needs to know about it. What inspired you to become an artist? I just needed an outlet, really. I enjoyed my art classes in high school and after I left, I remembered how cathartic itContinueContinue reading “Features Week Day 5: Zee Zelinski”