Features Week Day 3: Saint

Saint is an extremely talented writer that has some serious skills when it comes to drama and suspense. 

He was another kind soul that listened to the first episode of my podcast when I doubted myself. He’s continued his support to this day and I’m crazy thankful. 

What inspired you to become a writer?

My wanting more from a story. I think I started writing when I was in 3rd grade. I can remember reading a western in my class and feeling dissatisfied with the story. When I got home that day I took those characters and added to the situation. I don’t think becoming a writer was my primary goal at that age it always held my interest.


Are you published anywhere?

I have two websites. https://Xs8x.blogspot.com and https://splattersaint.wordpress.com however I am editing my blogspot stories and moving them to my wordpress site. I will eventually be deleting my blogspot site.


In what genre do you write?

The one I enjoy most is my Death series which would probably fall under the thriller genre. But I have some comedy, nonfiction, and horror stories as well.


What is the most challenging part about being a writer in the genre you’ve chosen?

Right now it’s just finding the time to write. I work 60+ hours a week, married with two kids. I’m stretched pretty thin as is. The only other being that it seems like unless you have a cult following with an active fan base it can be hard for a horror writer to get any recognition.


What writer(s) do you look up to?

One of my favorite writers is M. Amanuensis Sharkchild. He paints a vivid picture of a twisted world. He has a podcast as well called The Dark Verse. His ability to create tension in a unique way is something I admire. Of course Steven King has written a ton of books that I enjoy too.


Do you have any funny stories about your writing adventures?

Not yet. I have only been promoting my work for about a year. I haven’t gone any where with it outside of my internet sites.


Is there anyone you’d like to promote?

Amanuensis Sharkchild. His books and podcast are called The Dark Verse. He has a like page on Facebook under his name and his Twitter handle is @Sharkchild.

I have a good friend that does photography mostly motorcycle related but will dabble in a few different things. You can find him on Instagram @black_pelt_basement which also has a link to his website.

Where can we find you on social media?

My Instagram and Twitter are @knk_saint. I post links on there whenever I add a story.

Yesterday’s Featured Artist: Turn of Phrases Podcast

Tomorrow’s Featured Artist: Saint

A huge thank you to Saint for taking the time to answer my questions. Like he said, his writing contains a lot of different genres so there’s something for everyone!

Published by Augie Peterson

Since October of 2018 I've been writing stories, reviewing movies, and making a podcast. It's been a lot of fun, but there's still room to grow! This could either be a train wreck or the best decision I've ever made. Why don't you follow along to see what happens?

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